Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 9: Barbie Funeral Kit


Craft: In this image I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out each of the shapes from they origianl background to rearange them in photoshop.  I took the Barbie out of a picture of three and used the edit menue to go to transformations and flip her horizontally.  Then I held down control and pressed the 't' bottom to scale her down to size and rotate her to look as if she was laying on her back.  I aslo used the eraser tool to cut out her eyes to fill them in with the paint brush to make them look as if they are closed.  To touch up the edges of her eyes I used the smudge tool to blend all the colors together.  I also used the smudge tool to turn barbie's smile into more of an emotionless smile.  The second thing I did was duplicate the casket by right clocking on the layer and using the "duplicate layer" option. I did this so that I could use the magnetic lasso to cut out the pillow, inside, and wing of the casket.  After I did this I placed it above the duplicate layer so that it looked like one whole casket.  The purpose of this was so that I could use the move tool to place Barbie in between the images to give the illusion that she was inside the casket.  After this I moved on to the flower display.  All I did here was use the move tool to place it in the top right corner.  The final thing I did was create the text on the tombstone by using the horisontal type tool and choosing the color, size, and style for the fornt on the tombstone. I want to use the barbie packaging to place the doll into because she does not come with the set. I might also try to place the set inside its own kind of packagin, but since I cant really find what I'm looking for, I might just use the adversiting look instead of the off the shelf stock look. Possibley combine them both.

Concept: The concept of the Barbie Funeral Kit is that children at a young age are experiencing a sense of death.  Its all about the emotional effect that is to be placed on the child. I was thinking about a slogan or some sort of caption that goes along the lines of "Barbie Funeral Kit: Captures the sadness, without real death".  Its not much at the moment, but I know it should be something along these lines.  The children could possibley burry the toy in their own backyard just for fun so I might try to play into that as well. I want this project to look as if it was an actual rejected toy that was recall from store shelves, or not even made into production.... but, the product idea and advertisement was made as a way to introduce the new toy. So this is why I want to show the advertising and packaging aspects of the toy.  I really like the way the child is shown playing with the Barbie set so this is one of the reasons that I want to try and incorporate both views into my project.

Composition: These images are composed of a Barbie Doll that's face was altered in photoshop to make her look as if she is dead.  Its also shows two caskets that when placed together fit around the Barbie Doll to look as if she is actually placed inside them, and a floral arrangement and tombstone as accessories to go along with the kit.  Each of these imahes were found online and changes to create the product shown on the top.  The websites which I borrowed these images from are listed bellow, as well as in the previous blog post.

Dream Store:

Doll Package:

Barbie Doll:


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